The Weekly Connect

Mondays May 6, 13, 20

12-12:45pm PT

On Zoom

$40 for 3 classes

Commit to all 3 classes, no drop ins

Do you want to feel a greater sense of well-being in your body, mind and spirit, but really struggle to prioritize time for yourself?

Do you put everyone else or your work before your own needs?

Imagine having a weekly check in with a coach who guides you in dropping into your mind/body connection and helps to hold you accountable for prioritizing your wellbeing? 

Now imagine doing this within a group of folks like yourself - who value their wellbeing but struggle to make the daily changes needed to actually transform their life.

It’s time to take your wellness journey seriously!

The Weekly Connect

Time to connect inward…connect with others…and tap into the wisdom of your body.

Self care…and collective care 

Through a variety of embodiment practices like Therapeutic Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, intentions and somatic movement we’ll transform your relationship with your body and watch how your life shifts.